Scondinavian Village

Scondinavian Village

Predela 2

Predela 2

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The first 20 years Max Consult.BG Ltd., Congratulations!

UPDATED Bulgaria\'s First Floating Solar Power Plant Project Unveiled in Sofia 07.3.2023
UPDATED Bulgaria's First Floating Solar Power Plant Project Unveiled in Sofia
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Weather/BNB fixing 14.02.25

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20° Burgas 17° Stara Zagora
21° Varna 20° Rousse
CHF 1.59816 GBP 2.31651 USD 1.4962 is a member of

Manastirski Livadi - Sofia

Investor: project
Executor: project
Designer: arch.V.Petkanchin & Max Consult.BG
Supervision: Max Consult.BG
Contact: +359 2 971 8800   Enquiry form

Skype Me™! Manastirski Livadi - Sofia

Stage: project
Object: Five-storey residential building with offices and underground garages – quarter 14, Regulated Landed Estate V50, locality “Manastirski livadi - east”, Sofia

Designer: Architectural bureau Max Consult.Bg Ltd. with chief architect Vesselin Petkanchin, Archisto 2000 Ltd.

Supervision: Consultancy house Max Consult.Bg Ltd.

Explanatory note
General part

Situation: Five-storey residential building with offices and underground garages – quarter 14, Regulated Landed Estate /RLE/ V50, locality “Manastirski livadi - east”, Sofia is freely standing, consisted of three floors, divided by crippling joints. The three buildings are with different levels at the ground floor, following the inclination of the terrain. The terrain has a descending inclination from south-west to north-east with displacement around 1.40 m.
The distance between the main construction up to the building /according to the acting development plan/ across the street from fixed datum 31 to fixed datum 33a is 21.22 m. The distances to the side regulation lines to RLE IV and RLE III are 5 m at its narrowest part.
The cornice level of the construction is 15 m and 17.5 m towards the level of the adjacent terrain.

Description: The building has a composition of monolith reinforced concrete. The façade walls are of 25 cm bricks, heat insulated with styrodur, and the partition walls – of 25 cm brickwork. All external construction components (columns and discs) are insulated with active heat insulation which substantially improves the energy effectiveness of the building.
The main roof is finished with reinforced concrete, wooden bordering with heat insulation and bitumen tiles. At the angle of the L-shaped building, a tower is foreseen which is a basic moment of the architectural and compositional decision of the object together with the bay-window following floors at the other two ends.
The architectural project is consorted with all acting in the Republic construction articles and regulations, as well as Investor’s requirements.

Architectural decision:
The building has got five floors with offices at the ground floor and underground garages in the basement. The underground floor is accessible through ramp towards building “A” with inclination 15.5 %. Two more floors are designed in the under-roof space.
The entrances to the three floors, garage, two offices, physician’s and dentist’s premises are situated on the ground floor. Underground garages, storage and technical premises are located in the basement. All kinds of doors from garage towards the rest parts of the building are metal and fire-resistant.

Façade design
The floors are finished with dragged mineral plaster in two colors; the balcony rails are metal, according to designer’s instruction. All covering slopes of the main roof are finished with bitumen tiles. The rails of corner balconies to the two streets in the building angles are INOX and glass.

Technical and economical indices
Property area 3 190 sq. m
Built-up area on the ground floor 1 247.09 sq. m
Basement /with the ramp/ 1 608.72 sq. m
Second floor 1 335.24 sq. m
Third floor 1 340.74 sq. m
Forth floor 1 344.46 sq. m
Fifth floor 1 349.70 sq. m
First under-roof floor 1 284.78 sq. m
Second under-roof floor 868.63 sq. m
Spread built-up area 10 379.36 sq. m
Spread built-up area under the terrain 2 201.72 sq. m
Spread built-up area over the terrain 8 177.6 sq. m
Greenery area 644 sq. m
Construction density 39.1 %
Coefficient of intensity 2.56

November, 2004                                                                     Architect:
Sofia                                                                                                 Vesselin Petkanchin