Scondinavian Village

Scondinavian Village

Predela 2

Predela 2

Bansko Skiing Zone Concessionaire Presents to Environment Minister Conceptual Design for New Ski Gondola
Sofia, January 4 (BTA) - Meeting with Environment Minister Neno Dimov and the Mayor of Bansko on Thursday, officials of Ulen, the company running the Bansko skiing zone, presented a conceptual design for a second...

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The first 20 years Max Consult.BG Ltd., Congratulations!

UPDATED Bulgaria\'s First Floating Solar Power Plant Project Unveiled in Sofia 07.3.2023
UPDATED Bulgaria's First Floating Solar Power Plant Project Unveiled in Sofia
SOFIA, 07.03.2023 08:31 | UPDATED 07.03.2023 11:32 (BTA) A major project for building Bulgaria’s first floating solar power plant was presented in Sofia on Tuesday. Construction of the plant in the water area...

Weather/BNB fixing 14.02.25

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20° Burgas 17° Stara Zagora
21° Varna 20° Rousse
CHF 1.59816 GBP 2.31651 USD 1.4962 is a member of

Scondinavian Village 1

Investor: Scandinavian Consult
Executor: project
Designer: ValPa
Supervision: MaxConsult.BG
Contact: +359 2 971 8800   Enquiry form

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Stage: project
THE INVESTMENT PROPOSAL is "for residential construction" of a complex of residential buildings / houses /, mainly two types of one and two floors, divided into groups situated in the property. According to the investment intention, the construction will be carried out in stages, such as the terrain is modeled around residential buildings. The property is located in the southwestern part of the town. Bansko, in the Asanitsa area. The property boundaries are not materialized on site - remnants of the old ones are preserved stone walls. The property is flat with a slight slope to the north and elevation to the south properties, there are no buildings in it. The plan is for the gradual construction of six residential buildings / houses /, respectively House 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, divided into three groups. Access to the buildings will be from the existing road of the Municipality of Bansko from the east, and in the property along designed alleys also for SMEs on an inner street with a lane width of 3.50 m with separate parking spaces for each house. The rest of the majority of the property is left for landscaping. It is envisaged that the property will be drained by gravity, with a slope to the northeast. The postponement of the vertical site planning project will be carried out in accordance with tracing plan and carnet from the indicated geodetic starting points or by coordinates, according to the register. The area around the property is partially landscaped, as in the immediate neighboring properties there is already realized construction, built and put into operation inhabited buildings and complexes, there is built infrastructure, incl. put into operation CEP KTP Distribution Bulgaria AD, water supply and sewerage, and transport access asphalt street and road of Bansko Municipality.