Balmoral - Bansko

Balmoral - Bansko

Alpen - NoNaMe - Bansko

Alpen - NoNaMe - Bansko

Bansko Skiing Zone Concessionaire Presents to Environment Minister Conceptual Design for New Ski Gondola
Sofia, January 4 (BTA) - Meeting with Environment Minister Neno Dimov and the Mayor of Bansko on Thursday, officials of Ulen, the company running the Bansko skiing zone, presented a conceptual design for a second...

The first 20 years Max Consult.BG Ltd., Congratulations! 02.6.2023
The first 20 years Max Consult.BG Ltd., Congratulations!

UPDATED Bulgaria\'s First Floating Solar Power Plant Project Unveiled in Sofia 07.3.2023
UPDATED Bulgaria's First Floating Solar Power Plant Project Unveiled in Sofia
SOFIA, 07.03.2023 08:31 | UPDATED 07.03.2023 11:32 (BTA) A major project for building Bulgaria’s first floating solar power plant was presented in Sofia on Tuesday. Construction of the plant in the water area...

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Globul reverts to old terms for contractual subscribers

Bulgaria's second-largest mobile phone operator Globul is reverting to its old terms for contractual subscribers, the operator's press office told Dnevnik daily.

On March 20 Globul informed the Consumer Protection Commission (CPC) and the CRC about its decision.

Recently, the company updated its conditions with controversial provisions related to the forthcoming launch of number portability. In particular, the company said all its contractual subscribers would be automatically assigned term contracts. Any time a subscriber wished to switch to another operator prior to the contract's expiry, the company would charge a 100 leva penalty.

The changes, which came into effect on on March 8, prompted a media outcry over the operator's controversial customer retention approach.

According to Globul, the telecommunications watchdog would inquire into the legitimacy of other mobile phone operators' contract terms. Globul insists that the company impose a single standard for client contracts regarding terms, rules for contracts' renewal and extension.

Globul's reaction came two days after the CPC gave the operator a three-day deadline to correct new provisions to their terms. The commission reviewed Globul's new terms under its own initiative. The CPC head, Damian Lazarov, said that it would file a lawsuit if the operator failed to undertake the necessary steps.
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